Sunday, March 10, 2013


You are dreaming of a soft, smooth and healthy skin like babies'?
Stop using hard products, and choose simple body milks, pure/traditional oils.
I learnt this when i was at nurses school in France:
what you cannot use on a baby's skin, don't use it on your skin!!
Since that time, I kept the lesson and my skin is greatful to me.

This is my receipt since more than 10 years, to moisture and nurish my skin for less than N350/month

I found this cream from Cote d'Ivoire like 12 years ago,
and I noticed it has the same effects than the very expensive one I was used to buy in France, and was like 10 times cheaper!

This little pot is sold N300 in Lagos...

White cream that smells so goood....

Choose an authentic shea butter from
Abuja, or Cotonou/Lomé/Accra
(mine was coming from Abuja!)

drop a big spoon of shea butter (that might cost less the N50...) inside a plastic contenant and leave it on hot water. The shea butter will melt totally in a few minutes...

Mix the Familia cream and the shea butter in a bigger pot until you get a smooth and thick cream

 The white color of Familia cream will go and leave a cream/beige color
Put the cream back to its original pot, and You have now the best skin moisturizer and nurisher a baby skin can dream of. You can also add more or less shea butter according to your skin type and location (Africa or Europe/America)
Total cost: less than N350, last: 1 month for an adult that will robb all his body everyday!
(excuse my english, I know it is poor...)

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